Valentyna Tkach

Records that no one will ever be able to repeat: Hard to believe

Mickey Mouse-eared dog: four-year-old fluffy beauty loves posing for funny photos

The girl showed that it's possible to look beautiful and attractive in every body

How to wash jeans to prevent shrinkage, fading, and ensure they come out nicely

How to sprinkle icy paths in winter: Effective advice from the Swiss

The bravest dogs are afraid of water: How funny dogs react to water

What kind of dog to get if you do not understand dogs at all, but would like a kind and loyal friend

Cat alphabet. Scientists tell us how to communicate with our pets

No washing machine or iron: proven ways to keep clothes fresh. Most of the ingredients stand in the closet

A dog handler debunks myths about dogs from shelters: it's important to know in order not to make mistakes

A veterinarian named several cat breeds he would never buy: "There are some requirements. Not everyone can"

What are the most common mistakes that owners of miniature dogs often make? An expert's opinion

Parenting techniques: How to learn to save on clothes and food

Egyptian beauty: secrets of the queens that women used before our era

How potatoes can help stretch leather shoes: useful tips

Makeup artists have showcased eyebrows as a stylish trend this year with noticeable changes